I don't speak Spanish
Alternative title: why Google Translate is Not Great, but is also hilarious. I wanted this year to make some more clothing-y type things, particularly summer based items. Everyone knows that knitted and crocheted stuff can keep you warm during the winter. Not many people think of knitted and crocheted stuff during the summer, do they? Look at this cute crocheted sunhat! But in an effort to expand my range and include a fair amount of summery suitable things, I went trawling through Ravelry for patterns, and I found a really lovely one: boleros ! I was really excited...until I opened the page and it was in Spanish. Which is fine. Spanish is great. Except I don't read Spanish. My experience of Spanish consists of moving to a school that did Spanish lessons from one that didn't, spending a term with free periods while my classmates did their Spanish lessons, blagging my way onto the Spanish trip by saying that I wanted to learn Spanish and immersing myse...